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Increase sales conversions

Accelerate deals by simplifying the process to generate, negotiate, and eSign professional proposals

Intelligent Reminders

Let Simple Sign remind your customers to engage with your proposals. With Simple Sign your sales staff will never forget to remind a customer to respond.

Smart Tracking

Track all sent proposals in real-time. Know when, where and how your customers interact with your sales documents. Contact them when they are most likely to sign.

Storage for Sales docs

All of your sent and signed contracts will be safely stored in your Simple Sign account with a link to each sales staff. It is easier than ever to search, find, and download the contract you are looking for.

Integrate with your CRM

Improve your existing CRM with E-signing. Send your proposals straight from the tools you are already using.

Text Messages

If your customers are on the run, send your contracts straight to their smartphones using text messages.

Smart template

Upload or create sales templates for your best proposals. Access them from any computer and make minor adjustments before sending to your next client. Stop wasting valuable sales hours.


Connect your marketing campaign to other platforms like Google Ads by including a retargeting code on the proposals sent to your customers.

Impress With Videos

Stand out from the crowd. Send your proposals together with your personal video presentation. Make a professional impression like never before!

Sales Overview

Access an overview of all sent and signed contracts from your sales staff. Send automated notifications to your sales managers when a new deal is done.


Simple Sign works for you, not the other way around!

With a simple click, upload your sales documents. Simple Sign will recommend your sales funnels and improve your conversion rates.


Sales made better

Sector Alarm - SimpleSign

Sector Alarm

Sector Alarm is a European company with Scandinavian origins. They currently protect more than 450.000 households and businesses in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Ireland. We are proud that they selected SimpleSign for their e-signatures to improve their sales and customer acquisition process.

Bauer Media Group SimpleSign

Bauer Media Group

Bauer Media has over 600 magazines worldwide, more than 400 digital media outlets, and over 100 radio and TV stations, they posted global turnover of € 2.3 billion in 2014. In Sweden alone, they reach about 5 million listeners every week. We are happy that Bauer Media selected SimpleSign as their provider to improve their signing workflow with new clients.

No credit card required

Contact us

Simple Sign International AB
Karlavägen 20
11431 Stockholm, SWEDEN

Phone: +46(0)10 750 09 66